Commemoration of Martin Luther (February 18):

Dear Lord, thank You for faithful spiritual leaders, like Martin Luther, who had the courage to stand up for their faith and to instruct others in Your Word. Give us that same courage as we meet challenges to our own faith. Help us continually learn more about You and instruct others in Your way so that we may daily grow in our knowledge of and relationship with You. We pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen. #portalsofprayer



The February issue of The Lutheran Witness is all about smaller congregations — that is, the vast majority of congregations across our Synod.



  • Where We Stand: A look at data on LCMS congregational attendance
  • ‘Where Two or Three Are Gathered’: Large or small, what makes a church is the same everywhere — Matthew Richard
  • Three Starting Questions for Smaller Congregations: How is God using your congregation as it already is? — Mark Wood
  • A Synod of Smaller Congregations: Congregational size in the history of the LCMS — Lawrence R. Rast Jr.
  • All Christians, Chosen Priests: The priesthood of all believers can help smaller congregations thrive — Ken Schurb
  • Smaller Congregations: The Challenges and Blessings: God is working good through the challenges we face — Stacey Eising
  • Bivocational Ministry: A holy burden, from St. Paul’s day to our own — Troy Neujahr
  • Healthy Youth Ministry, Regardless of Numbers Julianna Shults


  • Snippets: News from around the LCMS and the world
  • Walking Together: A congregational spotlight on Messiah Lutheran in La Crescent, Minn.
  • Worship: ‘In Whom We Have Redemption’: The Forgiveness of Sins in the Divine Service
  • Life in the Church Year: Candlemas: Candles, Crepes and Compline
  • Formula of Concord Reading Plan: February — Free Will
  • Searching Scripture: Opening the Old Testament: The Prophet Like Moses


Pre-School Governance Board Meeting

Next meeting is on February 10th at 4:00pm.

The meetings include Opening Prayer and Devotion from Pastor Mars, Treasurer's Report, Director's Report and Headmaster's Report, Unfinished and New Business and Closing Prayer. 


Offering and Signing of the Friendship Register

Members and visitors, each Sunday please take a moment to 
sign the Record of Fellowship register found in each pew with these simple steps: 

1. Print your name (first and last) and complete the form. Adults complete for small children if necessary.
2. Pass the pad on, and when it reaches the end of the pew, pass it back: noting the names of others.
3. After worship, greet your fellow worshipers by name, and introduce yourself if they are not familiar with you.   


Become a Supporting Congregation of Luther Classical College

Why now? Conservative Lutherans have been asking for a classical Lutheran college for decades. And though classical colleges have popped up all around the country and have been very successful, not one has been Lutheran.

As American culture continues to slide, we need a college that purposefully emphasizes and instills Christian culture throughout its curriculum.

Given the political climate in our country, we need a college that does not depend on federal funds and which is still affordable for our youth.

Why congregations? Luther Classical College exists to educate young men and women for congregational life, so that they graduate eager to support their local congregations and raise their families in the church.

We believe direct congregational support and involvement will help keep the college Lutheran and focused on its goal, which is to strengthen our congregations with committed Lutheran families.

Visit for more information.

At Christ the King there are many ways you can joyfully serve, grow in grace, and make new friends in Christ! 
Opportunities for Ushers, Choir, Altar Guild 
and Welcome Committee are all available. 

